11 May 2014

Sleepless in Roma

It seems pointless to waste a perfectly good inability to sleep, so let’s get up at dawn and walk the deserted streets.  Out by 6am just as the sun was coming up on a day that alternates between bright blue skies and dense overcast.  Rumours of rain and the grey clouds threaten.

The sun rises slowly over Rome, hitting first the tallest church domes and towers, sliding down the stone faces of statue and building. Then you can feel it on your back as you walk the impossibly empty boulevards. These streets that within a few hours will be virtually impassable can be sauntered across with ease.            

On Sunday the bells start early from every direction, talking in unison and at odds as each one goes off with its own tone and clamour.  It is hard to imagine how many churches are within earshot and each one boasting a campanile with something to say.

I don’t know if there was a sale on jasmine plants, but they are everywhere! The air is dense with their fragrance and this early there is no bus exhaust to compete.  

I made it past the Colosseo, through Piazza Navona and the Campo to the river and back, stopping for a piccolo cappuccino. The streets that were empty are now filled with cars and buses, the cafès filled with people. What a magical thing to see before she has to endure another day of chaos.