14 May 2014

Back story

Took a walking tour yesterday in the grey day, listening to the history of the town and area. Lots of factoids but I was caught up in looking at the architecture and watching the people.  Not a typical touristy town, although certainly in attendance. Mostly individuals or small groups wandering.  Lots of local schoolkids in groups learning about the symbolism of the gargoyles that hang from the churches.

 And a quick visit to a cafĂ© that was built over the top of ancient baths used in the Jewish tradition … a glass floor lets you see the excavation and gives a sense of floating over the formation.

Finally a trip to the winery of Feudi to wander the vineyard and sample some of their excellent wines.  Charming Sandro gave us a good feel for the area, the ferocious loyalty to the Salento and a lesson on local politics.  Molto interessante.